Documentation / Server

The library contains a multi-connection listening server based on coroutine runtime. It does not support full parallel processing through threads or separate processes.

Basic operation

Below will set up a WebSocket server that listens to incoming text messages. The added middlewares provide standard operability according to WebSocket protocol.

$server = new WebSocket\Server();
    // Add standard middlewares
    ->addMiddleware(new WebSocket\Middleware\CloseHandler())
    ->addMiddleware(new WebSocket\Middleware\PingResponder())
    // Listen to incoming Text messages
    ->onText(function (WebSocket\Server $server, WebSocket\Connection $connection, WebSocket\Message\Message $message) {
        // Act on incoming message
        echo "Got message: {$message->getContent()} \n";
        // Possibly respond to client
        $connection->text("I got your your message");


Middlewares provide additional functionality when sending or receiving messages. This repo comes with two middlewares that provide standard operability according to WebSocket protocol.

  • CloseHandler - Automatically acts on incoming and outgoing Close requests, as specified in WebSocket protocol
  • PingResponder - Responds with Pong message when receiving a Ping message, as specified in WebSocket protocol

If not added, you need to handle close operation and respond to ping requests in your own implementation.

$server = new WebSocket\Server();
    // Add CloseHandler middleware
    ->addMiddleware(new WebSocket\Middleware\CloseHandler())
    // Add PingResponder middleware
    ->addMiddleware(new WebSocket\Middleware\PingResponder())

Read more on Middlewares.


The message listeners are used by specifying a callback function that will be called whenever the server receives a method of the same type. All message listeners receive Server, Connection and Message as arguments.

$server = new WebSocket\Server();
    // Listen to incoming Text messages
    ->onText(function (WebSocket\Server $server, WebSocket\Connection $connection, WebSocket\Message\Text $message) {
        // Act on incoming message
    // Listen to incoming Binary messages
    ->onBinary(function (WebSocket\Server $server, WebSocket\Connection $connection, WebSocket\Message\Binary $message) {
        // Act on incoming message

Read more on Listeners.


WebSocket messages comes as any of five types; Text, Binary, Ping, Pong and Close. The type is defined as opcode in WebSocket standard, and each classname corresponds to current message opcode.

Text and Binary are the main content message. The others are used for internal communication and typically do not contain content. All provide the same methods, except Close that have an additional method not present on other types of messages.

echo "opcode:       {$message->getOpcode()}\n";
echo "length:       {$message->getLength()}\n";
echo "timestamp:    {$message->getTimestamp()}\n";
echo "content:      {$message->getContent()}\n";
echo "close status: {$close->getCloseStatus()}\n";

Read more on Messages.

Sending messages

The Connection instance represents the client-server connection. To send a message to a client, call the send() method on Connection instance with a Message instance. Any of the five message types can be sent this way.

$connection->send(new WebSocket\Message\Text("Server sends a message"));
$connection->send(new WebSocket\Message\Binary($binary));
$connection->send(new WebSocket\Message\Ping("My ping"));
$connection->send(new WebSocket\Message\Text("My pong"));
$connection->send(new WebSocket\Message\Close(1000, "Closing now"));

There are also convenience methods available for all types.

$connection->text("Server sends a message");
$connection->ping("My ping");
$connection->pong("My pong");
$connection->close(1000, "Closing now");

Broadcasting messages

The same send methods are available at Server instance. Using these will send the message to all currently connected clients.

$server->send(new WebSocket\Message\Text("Server sends a message"));
$server->send(new WebSocket\Message\Binary($binary));
$server->send(new WebSocket\Message\Ping("My ping"));
$server->send(new WebSocket\Message\Text("My pong"));
$server->send(new WebSocket\Message\Close(1000, "Closing now"));

Convenience methods available for all types.

$server->text("Server sends a message");
$server->ping("My ping");
$server->pong("My pong");
$server->close(1000, "Closing now");


The Server takes two arguments; port and ssl. By default, ssl is false. If port is not specified, it will use 80 for non-secure and 443 for secure server. Other options are available runtime by calling configuration methods.


Server support adding any PSR-4 compatible logger.

$server->setLogger(Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger);


Timeout for various operations can be specified in seconds. This affects how long Server will wait for connection, read and write operations, and listener scope. Default is 60 seconds. Minimum is 0 seconds. Avoid setting very low values as it will cause a read loop to use all available processing power even when there's nothing to read.

$server->setTimeout(300); // set timeout in seconds
$server->getTimeout(); // => current timeout in seconds

Frame size

Defines the maximum payload per frame size in bytes. Default is 4096 bytes. Minimum is 1 byte. Do not change unless you have a strong reason to do so.

$server->setFrameSize(1024); // set maximum payload frame size in bytes
$server->getFrameSize(); // => current maximum payload frame size in bytes


Server support adding context options and parameters using the Phrity\Net\Context class.

$context = new Phrity\Net\Context();
    "ssl" => [
        "verify_peer" => false,
        "verify_peer_name" => false,
$server->setContext($context); // set context
$server->getContext(); // => currently used Phrity\Net\Context

Max connections

Limit maximum number of connections served. Any additional connection attempts will fail. By default Server support unlimited number of connections.


Server info

Additional methids that provides information.

echo "port:   {$server->getPort()}\n";
echo "scheme: {$server->getScheme()}\n";
echo "ssl:    {$server->isSsl()}\n";

Server control

When started, the server will continue to run until something tells it so stop. There are some additional methods that control the server.

// If server is currently running

// Start server - It will continuously listen to incoming messages and apply specified callback functions

// Stop server - When called, server will no longer listen to incoming messages but will not disconnect clients

// Orderly shutdown server - Will initate close procedure on all connected clients and stop running when all are disconnected

// Disconnect server - Server will immediately stop and disconnect all clients without normal close procedure

Connection control

// Number of connected clients

// Get all current connections (may be in any state)

// Get all readable connections

// Get all writable connections

Read more on Connection.