Documentation / Connection

A Connection represents the actual connection between client and server. The Client only has a single Connection. The Server can have zero to many Connections.

The Connection instances are typically exposed in Listeners callbacks.

Sending messages

To send a message on connection, call the send() method with a Message instance. Any of the five message types can be sent this way.

$connection->send(new WebSocket\Message\Text("Server sends a message"));
$connection->send(new WebSocket\Message\Binary($binary));
$connection->send(new WebSocket\Message\Ping("My ping"));
$connection->send(new WebSocket\Message\Text("My pong"));
$connection->send(new WebSocket\Message\Close(1000, "Closing now"));

There are also convenience methods available for all types.

$connection->text("Server sends a message");
$connection->ping("My ping");
$connection->pong("My pong");
$connection->close(1000, "Closing now");

Connection management

// Is connection open?

// Is connection readable?

// Is connection writable?

// Immediately disconnect client without normal close procedure

// Close connection for reading (may disconnect if already closed for writing)

// Close connection for writing (may disconnect if already closed for reading)

Connection state

// Get local name for connection

// Get remote name for connection

// Get and set associated meta data on connection
$connection->setMeta('myMetaData', $anything);

// Trigger a tick event on connection

Handshake result

// Get the Request sent during handshake procedure

// Get the Response sent during handshake procedure


Some options are available runtime by calling configuration methods.


Connection support adding any PSR-4 compatible logger.

$connection->setLogger(Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger);


Timeout for various operations can be specified in seconds. This affects how long a Connection will wait for read and write operations. Default is 60 seconds. Minimum is 0 seconds. Avoid setting very low values as it will cause a read loop to use all available processing power even when there's nothing to read.

$connection->setTimeout(300); // set timeout in seconds
$connection->getTimeout(); // => current timeout in seconds

Frame size

Defines the maximum payload per frame size in bytes. Default is 4096 bytes. Minimum is 1 byte. Do not change unless you have a strong reason to do so.

$connection->setFrameSize(1024); // set maximum payload frame size in bytes
$connection->getFrameSize(); // => current maximum payload frame size in bytes


Connection exposes context options and parameters using the Phrity\Net\Context class.

$context = $connection->getContext();
$context->getOption("ssl", "verify_peer");
$context->setOption("ssl", "verify_peer", false);