Documentation / Contributing
Everyone is welcome to help out! But to keep this project sustainable, please ensure your contribution respects the requirements below.
Pull Request requirements
Requirements on pull requests;
- All tests MUST pass.
- Code coverage MUST remain at 100%.
- Code MUST adhere to PSR-1 and PSR-12 code standards.
- Staic analysis check MUST pass.
SemVer, versions, and target branches
This repo uses strict Semantic Versioning.
- MAJOR version when introducing breaking changes
- MINOR version when adding features
- PATCH version when fixing bugs and equivalent changes
List of current versions.
Base your patch on corresponding version branch, and target that version branch in your pull request.
- Library MUST provide core functionality, fully compatible with WebSocket standard.
- Library MAY provide optional functionality of general use. Such functionality should preferably be offered as middleware, or possibly as configuration option.
- Library must NOT make assumptions on how it will be used.
- Library must NOT provide specific service implementations. Such implementations should be provided in separate repo, using this library as a dependency.
Dependency management
Install or update dependencies using Composer.
# Install dependencies
make install
# Update dependencies
make update
Code standard
This project uses PSR-1 and PSR-12 code standards.
# Check code standard adherence
make cs
Unit testing
Unit tests with PHPUnit, coverage with Coveralls
# Run unit tests
make test
# Create coverage
make coverage
Static analysis
This project uses PHPStan for static analysis.
# Run static analysis
make stan
- Sören Jensen (maintainer)
- Fredrik Liljegren (orginator)
- Armen Baghumian Sankbarani
- Ruslan Bekenev
- Joshua Thijssen
- Simon Lipp
- Quentin Bellus
- Patrick McCarren
- swmcdonnell
- Ignas Bernotas
- Mark Herhold
- Andreas Palm
- pmaasz
- Alexey Stavrov
- Michael Slezak
- Pierre Seznec
- rmeisler
- Nickolay V
- Shmyrev
- Christoph Kempen
- Marc Roberts
- Antonio Mora
- Simon Podlipsky
- etrinh
- zgrguric
- axklim
- Dejan Levec
- Pieter Oliver
- Sebastian Hagens
- Adrian Mihai