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Tools for handling configuration. Interfaces, implementation class, various readers and a factory.


Install with Composer;

composer require phrity/config

The ConfigurationInterface interface

The Phrity\Config\ConfigurationInterface extends PSR-11 ContainerInterface and JsonSerializable interfaces.

// ContainerInterface implementation
public function get(string $id): mixed;
public function has(string $id): bool;

// JsonSerializable implementation
public function jsonSerialize(): mixed;

// Additional methods
public function __construct(object|array $config);
public function merge(ConfigurationInterface $config): ConfigurationInterface;

The Configuration class

The Phrity\Config\Configuration class implements the ConfigurationInterface.

use Phrity\Config\Configuration;

// Initiate with object or associative array
$config = new Configuration([
    'a' => 23,
    'b' => [
        'bb' => 66,

// Check and get (case insensitive) from configuration
$config->has('a'); // => true
$config->get('a'); // => 23

// Trying to get non-exising configuration will throw exception
$config->has('c'); // => false
$config->get('c'); // throws NotFoundException

Accessing by path

// It is possible to access by path
$config->has('b/bb'); // => true
$config->get('b/bb'); // => 66

Specifying default

// If default is specified, non-exising configuration will return that value instead of throwing exception
$config->get('a', default: 99); // => 23
$config->get('c', default: 99); // => 99

Type coercion

// Some types can be coerced into another type
$config->get('a', coerce: 'string'); // => "23"
  • Target type boolean
    • 0, 0.0, "0", "0.0", "", "false" and null will be coerced to false
    • 1, 1.1, "1", "1.0" and "true" will be coerced to true
  • Target types integer and double
    • numeric string will be coerced to integer or double
    • null and false will be coerced to 0 or 0.0
    • true will be coerced to 1 or 1.0
  • Target type string
    • integer and double will be coerced to numeric string
    • nullwill be coerced to "null"
    • false will be coerced to "false"
    • true will be coerced to "true"
  • Target type null
    • 0, 0.0, "0", "0.0", "", "null" and false will be coerced to null

Any coercion not specified above will cause a CoercionException.

Merging configurations

// Configurations can be merged (immutable, new instance will be returned)
$additional = new Configuration(['c' => 12, 'b' => ['bc' => 13]]);
$merged = $config->merge($additional);

The Reader classes

A number of configuration readers are available.

The ConfigurationFactory class

The Phrity\Config\ConfigurationFactory provides shortcuts to create and merge configurations.

$factory = new Phrity\Config\ConfigurationFactory();

$configData = $factory->fromData(data: ['a' => 23]);
$configJson = $factory->fromJson(json: '{"a": 23}');
$configJsonFile = $factory->fromJsonFile(path: 'path/to/config.json');
$configYaml = $factory->fromYaml(yaml: 'n: 23');
$configYamlFile = $factory->fromYamlFile(path: 'path/to/config.yaml');
$configEnv = $factory->fromEnv();
$configEnvFile = $factory->fromEnvFile('.env');

$configMerged = $factory->merge(


Version PHP
1.3 ^8.1 Coerce option
1.2 ^8.1 Reader (data), all file-readers get optional option
1.1 ^8.1 Readers (yaml, env-file)
1.0 ^8.1 Interface, implementation, readers (json, json-file, yaml-file, env), factory