Package that provide implementations of PSR-7 StreamInterface and PSR-17 StreamFactoryInterface but also adds stream and socket related funcitonality. It is designed for use with socket connections.
Install with Composer;
composer require phrity/net-stream
Stream class
The Phrity\Net\Stream
class is fully compatible with PSR-7 StreamInterface,
implementing specified methods but no extras. Can be used anywhere where PSR-7 StreamInterface compability is expected.
class Stream implements StreamInterface
// Constructor
public function __construct(resource $stream); // Must be a resource of type stream
// PSR-7 methods
public function __toString(): string;
public function close(): void;
public function detach(): resource|null;
public function getSize(): int|null;
public function tell(): int;
public function eof(): bool;
public function isSeekable(): bool;
public function seek(int $offset, int $whence = SEEK_SET): void;
public function rewind(): void;
public function isWritable(): bool;
public function write(string $string): int;
public function isReadable(): bool;
public function read(int $length): string;
public function getContents(): string;
public function getMetadata(string|null $key = null): mixed;
// Additional methods
public function getContext(): Context; // Get stream context
public function getResource(): resource;
SocketStream class
The Phrity\Net\SocketStream
class extends Phrity\Net\Stream
and adds extra methods usable on a socket stream.
class SocketStream extends Stream
// Methods
public function isConnected(): bool; // If stream is connected to remote
public function getRemoteName(): string|null; // Returns remote name
public function getLocalName(): string|null; // Returns local name
public function getResourceType(): string; // Get resource type
public function isBlocking(): bool|null; // If stream is blocking or not
public function setBlocking(bool $enable): bool; // Change blocking mode
public function setTimeout(int $seconds, int $microseconds = 0): bool; // Set timeout
public function readLine(int $length): string|null; // Read a line from stream, up to $length bytes
public function closeRead(): void; // Closes the stream for further reading
public function closeWrite(): void; // Closes the stream for further writing
SocketClient class
The Phrity\Net\SocketClient
class enables a client for remote socket.
class SocketClient {
// Constructor
public function __construct(UriInterface $uri, Context|null $context = null);
// Methods
public function setPersistent(bool $persistent): self; // If client should use persisten connection
public function setTimeout(int|null $timeout): self; // Set timeout
public function getContext(): Context; // Get stream context
public function setContext(Context $context): self; // Set stream context
public function connect(): SocketStream; // Connect to remote
SocketServer class
The Phrity\Net\SocketServer
class enables a server on local socket.
class SocketServer extends Stream {
// Constructor
public function __construct(UriInterface $uri, Context|null $context = null);
// Methods
public function accept(int|null $timeout = null): SocketStream|null; // Accept connection on socket server
public function getTransports(): array; // Get available transports
public function getContext(): Context; // Get stream context
public function setContext(Context $context): self; // Set stream context
public function isBlocking(): bool|null; // If stream is blocking or not
public function setBlocking(bool $enable): bool; // Change blocking mode
public function getMetadata(string|null $key = null): mixed;
StreamCollection class
The Phrity\Net\StreamCollection
class to handle zero to many connections.
class StreamCollection implements Countable, Iterator
// Constructor
public function __construct();
// Collectors and selectors
public function attach(Stream $attach, string|null $key = null): string; // Attach stream to collection
public function detach(Stream|string $detach): bool; // Detach stream from collection
public function getReadable(): self; // Get collection of readable streams
public function getWritable(): self; // Get collection of writable streams
public function waitRead(int $seconds = 60): self; // Wait for and get collection of streams with data to read
// Countable interface implementation
public function count(): int;
// Iterator interface implementation
public function current(): Stream;
public function key(): string;
public function next(): void;
public function rewind(): void;
public function valid(): bool;
StreamFactory class
The Phrity\Net\StreamFactory
class is fully compatible with PSR-17 StreamFactoryInterface,
implementing specified methods and some extras. Can be used anywhere where PSR-17 StreamFactoryInterface compability is expected.
class StreamFactory implements StreamFactoryInterface
// Constructor
public function __construct();
// PSR-17 methods
public function createStream(string $content = ''): Stream;
public function createStreamFromFile(string $filename, string $mode = 'r'): Stream;
public function createStreamFromResource(resource $resource): Stream; // Must be a resource of type stream
// Additional methods
public function createSocketStreamFromResource($resource): SocketStream; // Create a socket stream
public function createSocketClient(UriInterface $uri, Context|null $context = null): SocketClient; / Create socket client
public function createSocketServer(UriInterface $uri, Context|null $context = null): SocketServer; // Create a socket server
public function createStreamCollection(): StreamCollection; // Create a stream collection
StreamException class
The Phrity\Net\StreamException
is thrown when a stream related error occurs.
class StreamException extends RuntimeException {
// Constructor
public function __construct(int $code, array $data = [], Throwable|null $previous = null)
Context class
The Phrity\Net\Context
wraps context for various treams.
class Context {
// Constructor
public function __construct(mixed $stream = null);
// Methods
public function getOption(string $wrapper, string $option): mixed;
public function getOptions(): array;
public function setOption(string $wrapper, string $option, mixed $value): self;
public function setOptions(array $options): self;
public function getParam(string $param): mixed;
public function getParams(): array;
public function setParam(string $param, mixed $value): self;
public function setParams(array $params): self;
public function getResource(): mixed;
Version | PHP | |
2.2 |
^8.1 |
Improved context handling |
2.1 |
^8.0 |
Set context on server |
2.0 |
^8.0 |
Modernization |
1.3 |
^7.4|^8.0 |
Closing read and write separately |
1.2 |
^7.4|^8.0 |
Socket client |
1.1 |
^7.4|^8.0 |
Stream collection |
1.0 |
^7.4|^8.0 |
Initial version |