Documentation > Middleware

Both Client and Server support adding middlewares. All added middlewares will be called when a Message is sent and/or received.

Standard operation

These two middlewares provide standard operability according to WebSocket protocol, and should be added unless you write your own implementation of close and ping/pong handling.

  • CloseHandler - Automatically acts on incoming and outgoing Close requests, as specified in WebSocket protocol
  • PingResponder - Responds with Pong message when receiving a Ping message, as specified in WebSocket protocol

Add middlewares by calling the addMiddleware method.

    ->addMiddleware(new WebSocket\Middleware\CloseHandler())
    ->addMiddleware(new WebSocket\Middleware\PingResponder())

    ->addMiddleware(new WebSocket\Middleware\CloseHandler())
    ->addMiddleware(new WebSocket\Middleware\PingResponder())

The CloseHandler middleware

  • When a Close message is received, CloseHandler will respond with a Close confirmation message
  • When a Close confirmation message is received, CloseHandler will close the connection
  • When a Close message is sent, CloseHandler will block further messages from being sent

The PingResponder middleware

  • When a Ping message is received, PingResponder will respond with a Pong message

The Callback middleware

This middleware will apply callback functions when a message is sent and/or received.

    ->addMiddleware(new WebSocket\Middleware\Callback(
        incoming: function (WebSocket\Middleware\ProcessStack $stack, WebSocket\Connection $connection) {
            $message = $stack->handleIncoming(); // Get incoming message from next middleware
            $message->setContent("Changed message");
            return $message;
        outgoing: function (WebSocket\Middleware\ProcessStack $stack, WebSocket\Connection $connection, WebSocket\Message\Message $message) {
            $message->setContent('Changed message');
            $message = $stack->handleOutgoing($message);   // Forward outgoing message to next middleware
            return $message;

The callback functions MUST return a Message instance.

The handleIncoming and handleOutgoing methods will pass initiative further down the middleware stack.

Writing your own middkeware

A middleware MUST implement the MiddlewareInterface.

interface WebSocket\Middleware\MiddlewareInterface
    public function __toString(): string;

A middleware that wants to handle incoming messages MUST implement the ProcessIncomingInterface.

interface WebSocket\Middleware\ProcessIncomingInterface extends WebSocket\Middleware\MiddlewareInterface
    public function processIncoming(
        WebSocket\Middleware\ProcessStack $stack,
        WebSocket\Connection $connection
    ): WebSocket\Message\Message;

A middleware that wants to handle outgoing messages MUST implement the ProcessOutgoingInterface.

interface WebSocket\Middleware\ProcessOutgoingInterface extends WebSocket\Middleware\MiddlewareInterface
    public function processOutgoing(
        WebSocket\Middleware\ProcessStack $stack,
        WebSocket\Connection $connection,
        WebSocket\Message\Message $message
    ): WebSocket\Message\Message;

The ProcessStack class is used to hand over initiative to the next middleware in middleware stack.

// Get the received Message, possibly handled by other middlewares
$message = $stack->handleIncoming();

// Forward the Message to be sent, possibly handled by other middlewares
$message = $stack->handleOutgoing($message);