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Utility to handle access to a data set by using access paths.


Install with Composer;

composer require phrity/util-accessor

Basic operation get() and has() methods

Any set of data (including arrays, objects, and scalar values) can be access using a path.

use Phrity\Util\Accessor;

$subject = [
    'string-val' => 'A string',
    'assoc-array-val' => [
        'string-val' => 'Another string',
    'num-array-val' => [
    'object-val' => (object)[
        'string-val' => 'Yet another string',

$accessor = new Accessor();

$accessor->get($subject, 'string-val'); // => "A string"
$accessor->get($subject, 'assoc-array-val'); // => ['string-val' => "Another string"]
$accessor->get($subject, 'assoc-array-val/string-val'); // => "Another string"
$accessor->get($subject, 'num-array-val/0'); // => "a"
$accessor->get($subject, 'object-val/string-val'); // => "Yet another string"

$accessor->has($subject, 'assoc-array-val/string-val'); // => true
$accessor->has($subject, 'assoc-array-val/non-exising'); // => false

Using default return value for get() method

The get() method can also have default value specified, to be returned when path do not match the data set. If not specified, null will be returned in these cases.

use Phrity\Util\Accessor;

$subject = [
    'string-val' => 'A string',

$accessor = new Accessor();

$accessor->get($subject, 'non-existing'); // => null
$accessor->get($subject, 'non-existing', 'My default'); // => "My default"

The set() method

The set() method add or replace value in data set as specified by path. Note that this operation do not merge values, but set explicitly.

Depending on scope, it may not be possible to use set() on class properties. In this case an AccessorException will be thrown.

use Phrity\Util\Accessor;

$subject = [
    'string-val' => 'A string',

$accessor = new Accessor();

$subject = $accessor->set($subject, 'string-val', 'Replaced value');
$subject = $accessor->set($subject, 'non-existing', 'Added value');
// $subject => ['string-val' => 'Replaced value', 'non-existing' => 'Added value']

Specifying path separator

By default, path uses / as separator. Optionally, separator can be set in constructor.

use Phrity\Util\Accessor;

$subject = [
    'object-val' => (object)[
        'string-val' => 'A string',

$accessor = new Accessor('.');

$accessor->get($subject, 'object-val.string-val'); // => "A string"
$accessor->has($subject, 'object-val.string-val'); // => true

The PathAccessor

If multiple data sets should be accessed using the same path, the PathAccessor can be used instead. The path is then specified on constructor, and then used on all calls to get(), has() and set().

use Phrity\Util\PathAccessor;

$subject_1 = [
    'object-val' => (object)[
        'string-val' => 'A string',
$subject_2 = [
    'object-val' => (object)[
        'string-val' => 'Another string',

$accessor = new PathAccessor('object-val/string-val');

$accessor->get($subject_1); // => "A string"
$accessor->get($subject_2); // => "Another string"
$subject_1 = $accessor->set($subject_1, 'Replaced value');
$subject_2 = $accessor->set($subject_2, 'Replaced value');

The DataAccessor

If a data sets should be accessed using multiple paths, the DataAccessor can be used instead. The data is then specified on constructor, and then used on all calls to get(), has() and set().

use Phrity\Util\DataAccessor;

$subject = [
    'object-val' => (object)[
        'string-val' => 'A string',
        'int-val' => 23,

$accessor = new DataAccessor(subject);

$accessor->get('object-val/string-val'); // => "A string"
$accessor->get('object-val/int-val'); // => 23
$accessor->set('object-val/string-val', 'Replaced string');
$accessor->set('object-val/int-val', 48);

I want to incorporate this in my own class

Sure, no problem. Just use the AccessorTrait in your class, and call the available worker methods. The internal, recursive worker methods takes path as an array of path segments. There is also a helper to extract array path from a string path.

use Phrity\Util\AccessorTrait;

class MyClass
    use AccessorTrait;

    public function doThings(): void
        $my_data = ['array-val' => ['string-val' => 'A string']];
        $exists = $this->accessorHas($my_data, ['array-val', 'string-val']);
        $something = $this->accessorGet($my_data, ['array-val', 'string-val'], 'My default');

        $my_path = $this->accessorParsePath('array-val#string-val', '#');
        $exists = $this->accessorHas($my_data, $my_path);
        $something = $this->accessorGet($my_data, $my_path, 'My default');
        $modified = $this->accessorSet($my_data, $my_path, 'My new value');
Version PHP
1.1 ^8.0 set() method
1.0 ^7.4|^8.0 Initial version: get(), has() methods