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Adapter that reads OpenApi schema and add included routes to Slim. By defining operationId in OpenApi schema, the adapter will automatically instanciate and call referenced controller class.


Install with Composer;

composer require phrity/slim-openapi

How to use

use Phrity\Slim\OpenApi;
use Slim\Factory\AppFactory;

// Create Slim App as you normally would
$slim = AppFactory::create();

// Create OpenApi adapter with OpenApi source
$openapi = new OpenApi('openapi.json');

// Push all routes from OpenApi to Slim

// Run Slim

How to define controllers

In order for automatic mapping to work, the operationId must be set on all defined routes in OpenApi source. If no method is specified, class method __invoke() will be called on class.

With invoke With method
 Classname Classname:method
 Namespace/Classname Namespace/Classname:method
 Namespace\\Classname Namespace\\Classname:method


    "openapi": "3.0.0",
    "paths": {
        "/test": {
            "get": {
                "operationId": "Test/MyController",
                "description": "Will invoke on class Test\\MyController"
            "put": {
                "operationId": "Test\\MyController:put",
                "description": "Will call method put() on class Test\\MyController"


Setting Default Description
strict false If true, will validate OpenApi schema and throw exception on error
controller_prefix "" Prefix operationId when creating controller class name
controller_method false Add current HTTP method (get, put, etc) if not specified in schema


$openapi = new OpenApi('openapi.json', [
    'strict' => true,
    'controller_prefix' => 'Test/',
    'controller_method' => true,
    "openapi": "3.0.0",
    "paths": {
        "/test": {
            "get": {
                "operationId": "MyController",
                "description": "Will call method get() on class Test\\MyController"
            "put": {
                "operationId": "MyController:myMethod",
                "description": "Will call method myMethod() on class Test\\MyController"


Version PHP
1.1 ^7.4|^8.0 Settings & helpers
1.0 ^7.4|^8.0 Route registry