Generic float class. Uses the following traits;
Implements the following interfaces;
Trait synopsis
class Number implements Stringable, Comparable
use CoercionTrait;
use ComparableTrait;
use InvokableTrait;
use StringableTrait;
use TypeTrait;
* Constructor for Phrity\O\Number.
* @param mixed ...$args Input data.
* @throws ArgumentCountError If too many arguments provided.
public function __construct(mixed ...$args);
* Internal coercion method.
* @param mixed $value Value to coerce.
* @return float Resulting value.
* @throws TypeError If invalid value provided.
protected function coerce(mixed $value): float;
// ComparableTrait methods.
* Compare $this with provided instance of the same class.
* @param mixed $compare_with The instance to compare with.
* @return int -1, 0 or +1 comparison result.
public function compare(mixed $compare_with): int;
* If $this is equal to $compare_with.
* @param mixed $compare_with The instance to compare with.
* @return boolean True if $this is equal to $compare_with.
* @throws IncomparableException If $this can not be compared with $compare_with.
public function equals(mixed $compare_with): bool;
* If $this is greater than $compare_with.
* @param mixed $compare_with The instance to compare with.
* @return boolean True if $this is greater than $compare_with.
* @throws IncomparableException If $this can not be compared with $compare_with.
public function greaterThan(mixed $compare_with): bool;
* If $this is greater than or equal to $compare_with.
* @param mixed $compare_with The instance to compare with.
* @return boolean True if $this is greater than or equal to $compare_with.
* @throws IncomparableException If $this can not be compared with $compare_with.
public function greaterThanOrEqual(mixed $compare_with): bool;
* If $this is less than $compare_with.
* @param mixed $compare_with The instance to compare with.
* @return boolean True if $this is less than $compare_with.
* @throws IncomparableException If $this can not be compared with $compare_with.
public function lessThan(mixed $compare_with): bool;
* If $this is less than or equal to $compare_with.
* @param mixed $compare_with The instance to compare with.
* @return boolean True if $this is less than or equal to $compare_with.
* @throws IncomparableException If $this can not be compared with $compare_with.
public function lessThanOrEqual(mixed $compare_with): bool;
// InvokableTrait methods.
* Getter/setter implementation.
* @param float ...$args Input data.
* @return float Current value.
* @throws ArgumentCountError If called with too many arguments.
public function __invoke(float ...$args): float;
// StringableTrait methods.
* Return string representation.
* @return string String representation.
public function __toString(): string;
// TypeTrait methods.
* Initializer, typically called in constructor.
* @param float $value Initial value.
protected function initialize(float $value = 0.0): void;
use Phrity\O\Number;
$number = new Number(123.45);
$number(456.78); // Invokable support
$number->equals(new Number(789.01)); // Comparison support
echo $number; // Stringable support