
The Uri class represents a Uniform Resource Identifier used to identify an abstract or physical resource. The class is fully compatible with the PSR-7 UriInterface.

Class synopsis

class Phrity\Net\Uri implements JsonSerializable, Stringable, Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface
    // Constructor

    public function __construct(string $uri_string = '');

    // PSR-7 methods

    public function getScheme(int $flags = 0): string;
    public function withScheme(string $scheme, int $flags = 0): Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;

    public function getAuthority(int $flags = 0): string;

    public function getUserInfo(int $flags = 0): string;
    public function withUserInfo(string $user, string|null $password = null, int $flags = 0): Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;

    public function getHost(int $flags = 0): string;
    public function withHost(string $host, int $flags = 0): Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;

    public function getPort(int $flags = 0): int|null;
    public function withPort(int|null $port, int $flags = 0): Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;

    public function getPath(int $flags = 0): string;
    public function withPath(string $path, int $flags = 0): Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;

    public function getQuery(int $flags = 0): string;
    public function withQuery(string $query, int $flags = 0): Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;

    public function getFragment(int $flags = 0): string;
    public function withFragment(string $fragment, int $flags = 0): Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;

    // Stringable and JsonSerializable methods

    public function __toString(): string;
    public function jsonSerialize(): string;

    // Extension: Component methods

    public function getComponents(int $flags = 0): array;
    public function withComponents(array $components, int $flags = 0): Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;

    // Extension: Query methods

    public function getQueryItems(int $flags = 0): array;
    public function getQueryItem(string $name, int $flags = 0): array|string|null;
    public function withQueryItems(array $items, int $flags = 0): Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;
    public function withQueryItem(string $name, array|string|null $value, int $flags = 0): Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;

    // Extension: String method

    public function toString(int $flags = 0): string;


PSR-7 component methods

These methods are compatible with the PSR-7 UriInterface.


This library is not restricted to certain schemes, but allow all schemes in correct format.

$uri = new Uri('my-own-scheme:');
echo "{$uri} \n"; // -> "my-own-scheme:"

$uri = new Uri('this is not allowed as scheme:');
echo "{$uri} \n"; // -> InvalidArgumentException

getScheme(int $flags = 0): string

Method return scheme, or empty string if not set.

$uri = new Uri('');
$uri->getScheme(); // -> "http"

$uri = new Uri();
$uri->getScheme(); // -> ""

withScheme(string $scheme, int $flags = 0): UriInterface

Method return a new Uri instance with specified scheme set.

$uri = new Uri('');
$clone = $uri->withScheme('https');
$clone->getScheme(); // -> "https"
echo "{$clone} \n"; // -> ""


Host is the domain part, as DNS name or IP-number.

$uri = new Uri('domain.tld');
echo "{$uri} \n"; // -> "domain.tld"

$uri = new Uri('');
echo "{$uri} \n"; // -> ""

getHost(int $flags = 0): string

Method return host, or empty string if not set.

$uri = new Uri('domain.tld');
$uri->getHost(); // -> "domain.tld"

$uri = new Uri();
$uri->getHost(); // -> ""

withHost(string $host, int $flags = 0): UriInterface

Method return a new Uri instance with specified host set.

$uri = new Uri('domain.tld');
$clone = $uri->withHost('');
$clone->getHost(); // -> ""
echo "{$clone} \n"; // -> "//"


Port componenet of URI. If default port is used, it is typically hidden.

$uri = new Uri('http://domain.tld:80');
echo "{$uri} \n"; // -> "http://domain.tld"

$uri = new Uri('http://domain.tld:1234');
echo "{$uri} \n"; // -> "http://domain.tld:1234"

getPort(int $flags = 0): int|null

Method return port, or null if using default port or port is not set.

$uri = new Uri('http://domain.tld:80');
$uri->getPort(); // -> null

$uri = new Uri('http://domain.tld:1234');
$uri->getPort(); // -> 1234

withPort(int|null $port, int $flags = 0): UriInterface

Method return a new Uri instance with specified port set.

$uri = new Uri('http://domain.tld:80');
$clone = $uri->withPort(1234);
$clone->getPort(); // -> 1234
echo "{$clone} \n"; // -> "http://domain.tld:1234"
$clone = $uri->withPort(null);
$clone->getPort(); // -> null
echo "{$clone} \n"; // -> "http://domain.tld"


Path component of Uri.

$uri = new Uri('http://domain.tld/path/to/file');
echo "{$uri} \n"; // -> "http://domain.tld/path/to/file"

$uri = new Uri('path/to/file');
echo "{$uri} \n"; // -> "path/to/file"

getPath(int $flags = 0): string

Method return path, or empty string if not set.

$uri = new Uri('http://domain.tld/path/to/file');
$uri->getPath(); // -> "path/to/file"

$uri = new Uri('path/to/file');
$uri->getPath(); // -> "path/to/file"

withPath(string $path, int $flags = 0): UriInterface

Method return a new Uri instance with specified path set.

$uri = new Uri('http://domain.tld/path/to/file');
$clone = $uri->withPath('some/other/path/');
$clone->getPath(); // -> "some/other/path/"
echo "{$clone} \n"; // -> "http://domain.tld/some/other/path/"


Query component of Uri.

$uri = new Uri('http://domain.tld?a=1&b=2');
echo "{$uri} \n"; // -> "http://domain.tld?a=1&b=2"

getQuery(int $flags = 0): string

Method return query, or empty string if not set.

$uri = new Uri('http://domain.tld?a=1&b=2');
$uri->getQuery(); // -> "a=1&b=2"

withQuery(string $query, int $flags = 0): UriInterface

Method return a new Uri instance with specified query set.

$uri = new Uri('http://domain.tld?a=1&b=2');
$clone = $uri->withQuery('c=3&d=4');
$clone->getQuery(); // -> "c=3&d=4"
echo "{$clone} \n"; // -> "http://domain.tld/?c=3&d=4"


Fragment component of Uri.

$uri = new Uri('http://domain.tld#my+fragment');
echo "{$uri} \n"; // -> "http://domain.tld#my+fragment"

getFragment(int $flags = 0): string

Method return fragment, or empty string if not set.

$uri = new Uri('http://domain.tld#my+fragment');
$uri->getFragment(); // -> "my+fragment"

withFragment(string $fragment, int $flags = 0): UriInterface

Method return a new Uri instance with specified fragment set.

$uri = new Uri('http://domain.tld#my+fragment');
$clone = $uri->withFragment('new-fragment');
$clone->getFragment(); // -> "new-fragment"
echo "{$clone} \n"; // -> "http://domain.tld#new-fragment"


The user info part of URI may consist of username and password.

$uri = new Uri('https://user:pwd@domain.tld');
echo "{$uri} \n"; // -> "https://user:pwd@domain.tld"

$uri = new Uri('https://:pwd@domain.tld');
echo "{$uri} \n"; // -> "https://user:pwd@domain.tld"

getUserInfo(int $flags = 0): string

Method return user info, or empty string if not set.

$uri = new Uri('https://user:pwd@domain.tld');
echo "{$uri->getUserInfo()} \n"; // -> "user:pwd"

withUserInfo(string $user, string|null $password = null, int $flags = 0): UriInterface

Method return a new Uri instance with specified user info set.

$uri = new Uri('');
$clone = $uri->withUserInfo('username');
echo "{$clone->getUserInfo()} \n"; // -> "username"
echo "{$clone} \n"; // -> ""
$clone = $uri->withUserInfo('username', 'password');
echo "{$clone->getUserInfo()} \n"; // -> "username:password"
echo "{$clone} \n"; // -> ""


The authority part of URI may consist of host, port, username and password.

getAuthority(int $flags = 0): string

Method return authority part, or empty string if not set.

$uri = new Uri('');
echo "{$uri->getAuthority()} \n"; // -> ""

$uri = new Uri();
echo "{$uri->getAuthority()} \n"; // -> ""

$uri = new Uri('https://user:pwd@domain.tld:1234/path/to/file.html?query=1#fragment');
echo "{$uri->getAuthority()} \n"; // -> "user:pwd@domain.tld:1234"

Method flags

All get, with and the toString() methods accept option flags.

URI encode/decode options

These options apply to all components that are to be URI encoded.

The IDN_DECODE option

Option will return decoded text.

$uri = new Uri('');
echo "{$uri->getQuery(Uri::IDN_DECODE)} \n"; // -> "a=ö<"

The IDN_ENCODE option

Option will return minimal encoded text, not encoding non-ascii letter characters.

$uri = new Uri('ö<');
echo "{$uri->getQuery(Uri::IDN_ENCODE)} \n"; // -> "a=ö%3C"

The URI_ENCODE_3986 option

Option will return fully encoded non-ascii characters. This is the default return if no option flag is specified.

$uri = new Uri('ö<');
echo "{$uri->getQuery(Uri::URI_ENCODE_3986)} \n"; // -> "a=%C3%B6%3C"

Host options

The IDN_ENCODE option

Using IDN_ENCODE option will IDN-encode host using non-ASCII characters. Only available with Intl extension.

$uri = new Uri('https://ηßöø必Дあ.com');

$uri->getHost(); // -> "ηßöø必Дあ.com"
$uri->toString(); // -> "https://ηßöø必Дあ.com"

$uri->getHost(Uri::IDN_ENCODE); // -> ""
$uri->toString(Uri::IDN_ENCODE); // -> ""

$clone = $uri->withHost('œüç∂', Uri::IDN_ENCODE);
$clone->getHost(); // -> "xn--7ca5b9p776i"
echo "{$clone} \n"; // -> "https://xn--7ca5b9p776i"

The IDN_DECODE option

Using IDN_DECODE option will IDN-decode host previously encoded to ASCII-only characters. Only available with Intl extension.

$uri = new Uri('');

$uri->getHost(); // -> ""
$uri->toString(); // -> ""

$uri->getHost(Uri::IDN_DECODE); // -> "ηßöø必Дあ.com"
$uri->toString(Uri::IDN_DECODE); // -> "https://xηßöø必Дあ.com"

$clone = $uri->withHost('xn--7ca5b9p776i', Uri::IDN_DECODE);
$clone->getHost(); // -> "œüç∂"
echo "{$clone} \n"; // -> "https://œüç∂"

Port options


By PSR-7 standard, if port is default for scheme it will be hidden. This options will attempt to always show the port. If not set, it will use default port if resolvable.

Using this option will require port when it normally would be hidden.

$uri = new Uri('http://domain.tld:80');
$uri->getPort(); // -> null
$uri->toString(); // -> "http://domain.tld"
$uri->getPort(Uri::REQUIRE_PORT); // -> 80
$uri->toString(Uri::REQUIRE_PORT); // -> "http://domain.tld:80"

$uri = new Uri('http://domain.tld');
$uri->getPort(Uri::REQUIRE_PORT); // -> 80
$uri->toString(Uri::REQUIRE_PORT); // -> "http://domain.tld:80"

Path options


Will cause path to use absolute form, i.e. starting with /.

$uri = new Uri('path/to/file');
$uri->getPath(); // -> "path/to/file"
$uri->toString(); // -> "path/to/file"
$uri->getPath(Uri::ABSOLUTE_PATH); // -> "/path/to/file"
$uri->toString(Uri::ABSOLUTE_PATH); // -> "/path/to/file"

$clone = $uri->withPath('some/other/path/', Uri::ABSOLUTE_PATH);
$clone->getPath(); // -> "/some/other/path"
$clone->toString(); // -> "/some/other/path"


Will attempt to normalize path, e.g. ./a/./path/../to//something will transform to a/to/something.

$uri = new Uri('a/./path/../to//something');
$uri->getPath(); // -> "a/./path/../to//something"
$uri->toString(); // -> "a/./path/../to//something"
$uri->getPath(Uri::NORMALIZE_PATH); // -> "a/to/something"
$uri->toString(Uri::NORMALIZE_PATH); // -> "a/to/something"

$clone = $uri->withPath('path/./somewhere/else/..', Uri::NORMALIZE_PATH);
$clone->getPath(); // -> "path/somewhere/"
$clone->toString(); // -> "path/somewhere/"

Extension methods

These methods are not part of the PSR-7 UriInterface.

Representation methods

__toString(): string

The class implements the Stringable interface, so it can always be printed as a string.

$uri = new Uri('');
echo $uri; // -> ""
echo $uri->__toString(); // -> ""

toString(int $flags = 0): string

Unlike the regular __toString() method, this method accept option flags.

$uri = new Uri('https://ηßöø必Дあ.com/a/./path/../to//something');
echo $uri->__toString(); // -> "https://ηßöø必дあ.com/a/./path/../to//something
echo $uri->toString(Uri::IDN_ENCODE | Uri::REQUIRE_PORT | Uri::NORMALIZE_PATH); // -> ""

jsonSerialize(): string

The class implements the JsonSerializable interface, so it will output properly when JSON encoded.

$uri = new Uri('');
echo $uri->jsonSerialize(); // -> ""
echo json_encode($uri); // -> '"http:\/\/"'

Query helper methods

getQueryItems(int $flags = 0): array

Method will return query items (if existing) as an assoicative array.

$uri = new Uri('[a1]=1&a[a2]=2&b=3');
$uri->getQueryItems(); // -> ["a" => ["a1" => "1", "a2" => "2"], "b" => "3"]
$uri = new Uri('');
$uri->getQueryItems(); // -> ["no-items-here" => ""]
$uri = new Uri('');
$uri->getQueryItems(); // -> []

getQueryItem(string $name, int $flags = 0): array|string|null

Method will return named query value, or null if not existing

$uri = new Uri('[a1]=1&a[a2]=2&b=3');
$uri->getQueryItem('a'); // -> ["a1" => "1", "a2" => "2"]
$uri->getQueryItem('b'); // -> "3"
$uri->getQueryItem('c'); // -> null

withQueryItems(array $items, int $flags = 0): UriInterface

Method return a new Uri instance with specified query items. The associative array of query items to add will be merged on existing items. Providing value null on an item will remove it.

$uri = new Uri('[a1]=1&a[a2]=2&b=3&c=4');
$clone = $uri->withQueryItems(['a' => ['a2' => '2+', 'a3' => '3+'], 'b' => '3+', 'c' => null]);
$clone->getQueryItems(); // -> ["a" => ["a1" => "1", "a2" => "2+", "a3" => "3+"], "b" => "3+"]
echo $clone; // -> ""

withQueryItem(string $name, array|string|null $value, int $flags = 0): UriInterface

Method return a new Uri instance with specified query name/value. The added query item will be merged on existing items. Providing value null on an item will remove it.

$uri = new Uri('[a1]=1&a[a2]=2&b=3&c=4');
$clone = $uri->withQueryItem('b', '3+');
$clone->getQueryItems(); // -> ["a" => ["a1" => "1", "a2" => "2"], "b" => "3+", "c" => "4"]
echo $clone; // -> ""

Additional methods

getComponents(int $flags = 0): array

Method will return associative array of URI components. It corresponds to parse_url array return.

$uri = new Uri('https://domain.tld:1234/path/to/file.html?query=1');
$uri->getComponents(); // -> ["scheme" => "https", "host" => "domain.tld", "port" => 1234, "path" => "/path/to/file.html", "query" => "query=1"]

withComponents(array $components, int $flags = 0): UriInterface

Method return a new Uri instance with specified components.

$uri = new Uri('http://domain.tld');
$clone = $uri->withComponents['scheme' => 'https', 'path' => 'path/to/file.html', 'query' => 'query=1']);
echo $clone; // -> "https://domain.tld/path/to/file.html?query=1"

Good to konw

Scheme and default port

If port is not explicitly set, it will use the default port of the new scheme.

$uri = new Uri('');
$clone = $uri->withScheme('https');
$clone->getPort(); // -> null
$clone->getPort(Uri::REQUIRE_PORT); // -> 443

If port is explicitly set, it will transfer the port regardless of scheme.

$uri = new Uri('');
$clone = $uri->withScheme('https');
$clone->getPort(); // -> 80
$clone->getPort(Uri::REQUIRE_PORT); // -> 80