
Constructor takes no arguments.

use Phrity\Net\UriFactory;

$factory = new UriFactory();

PSR-7 method

This methods are compatible with the PSR-17 UriFactoryInterface.

Uri creators

createUri(string $uri = ''): UriInterface

Method return a new Uri instance, empty or bu parsing provided URI string.

$factory = new UriFactory();
$uri = $factory->createUri();
echo "{$uri} \n"; // -> ""
$uri = $factory->createUri('');
echo "{$uri} \n"; // -> ""

createUriFromInterface(UriInterface $uri): UriInterface

Method return a new Uri instance, based on any class implementing PSR-7 UriInterface.

$uri_string = '';
$factory = new UriFactory();
$uri = $factory->createUriFromInterface(new GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri($uri_string));
$uri = $factory->createUriFromInterface(new Laminas\Diactoros\Uri($uri_string));
$uri = $factory->createUriFromInterface(League\Uri\Uri::createFromString($uri_string));
$uri = $factory->createUriFromInterface(new Nyholm\Psr7\Uri($uri_string));
$uri = $factory->createUriFromInterface(new Phrity\Net\Uri($uri_string));
$uri = $factory->createUriFromInterface((new Slim\Psr7\Factory\UriFactory)->createUri($uri_string));