Utility library for numerics. Float versions of ceil()
, floor()
and rand()
with precision. An open minded numeric parser plus additional functions.
Current version supports PHP 5.6
and 7.*
Install with Composer;
composer require phrity/util-numerics
The Numerics class
Class synopsis
Phrity\Util\Numerics {
/* Static methods */
public static ceil(number $number, int $precision = 0) : float
public static floor(number $number, int $precision = 0) : float
public static rand(number $min, number $max, int $precision = 0) : float
public static parse(mixed $numeric) : float
public static precision(number $number) : int
Ceil method
Round fractions up, according to precision specifier. A precision of 0
corresponds to PHP ceil()
function, except it returns float
instead of integer
. Precision can also be negative.
Numerics::ceil(1234.5678, 2) // 1234.57
Numerics::ceil(1234.5678, 1) // 1234.60
Numerics::ceil(1234.5678, 0) // 1235.00
Numerics::ceil(1234.5678, -1) // 1240.00
Numerics::ceil(1234.5678, -2) // 1300.00
Floor method
Round fractions down, according to precision specifier. A precision of 0
corresponds to PHP floor()
function, except it returns float
instead of integer
. Precision can also be negative.
Numerics::floor(1234.5678, 2) // 1234.56
Numerics::floor(1234.5678, 1) // 1234.50
Numerics::floor(1234.5678, 0) // 1234.00
Numerics::floor(1234.5678, -1) // 1230.00
Numerics::floor(1234.5678, -2) // 1200.00
Rand method
Float random number with precision. Precision can also be negative. Returns float
, or null
if impossible to generate result.
Numerics::rand(0, 10) // 0.0 … 10.0
Numerics::rand(0, 100, 2) // 0.00 … 100.00
Numerics::rand(-100, 100, 4) // -100.0000 … 100.0000
Numerics::rand(0.01, 0.97, 4) // 0.0100 … 0.9700
Numerics::rand(9, 11, -1) // 10.0
Numerics::rand(90, 110, -2) // 100.0
Parse method
Numeric parser. Parses number by evaluating input rather than using locale or making explicit assumtions. Returns float
, or null
if provided input can not be parsed.
// Integer and float input
Numerics::parse(1234.56) // 1234.56
Numerics::parse(1234) // 1234.00
// String input
Numerics::parse('1234.56') // 1234.56
Numerics::parse('1234,56') // 1234.56
Numerics::parse('1 234.56') // 1234.56
Numerics::parse('1 234,56') // 1234.56
Numerics::parse('1,234.56') // 1234.56
Numerics::parse('1.234,56') // 1234.56
// String input
Numerics::parse(' 1 234.56 ') // 1234.56
Numerics::parse('-1,234.56') // -1234.56
Numerics::parse('+1.234,56') // 1234.56
Numerics::parse('.56') // 0.56
Numerics::parse(',56') // 0.56
Precision method
Count number of relevant decimals in a number.
Numerics::precision(12) // 0
Numerics::precision(12.0) // 0
Numerics::precision(12.34) // 2